Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Repo Games

I've been watching Repo Games on Spike all afternoon. I love this show. Why? Because even though I am not at the top of the scholarly totem pole, I am a freakin' genius compared to some of these people.
If you've never seen the show, basically between two hosts (one of whom is Josh Lewis, Wisconsin native and cousin of my friend, Beka) they load up cars about to be repoed then the delinquent owners have a chance to not only keep their vehicles , but have them paid off IF (the big word is IF) they can correctly answer 3 out of 5 trivia questions.
Sounds easy enough, right? Wrong. Sometimes I wonder how people get through school and not know some of these answers. Here are a few examples of questions asked-
What coonskin cap wearing American did Wayne depict the movie 'The Alamo'?
What language is the letter S represented as dot dot dot?
What is the least amount of coins you can use to make 76 cents?
What is the name of Cher's daughter who had gender change surgery?
If you worked 24/7, how many hours would you work in a week?
(No calculators)
So, if your car was up for repo, would you have gotten your back?
Oh, I should give you the answers so you may score yourselves-
Davie Crockett
Morse Code
Three (half dollar, quarter, penny)
Chelsea Bono
Just so y'all know, I won my car. I win almost all the cars. I really like trivia. We've watched four straight hours and Paul has accused me of cheating more than once. I don't cheat. I just know stuff. Lots of it.
Most of the questions are pop culture/entertainment, history, geography, some math, and in your face the answer is in the question categories. Most of the "contestants" are people you'd expect to pass in the grocery store or at the gas station on a daily basis. Your average lower middle class to poverty level of all ages, ethnicities, cognitive and psychological, along with chemically enhanced individuals. It's really easy to make a knee jerk prejudiced assessment of them. If you haven't seen the show, try to catch it sometime and see how you rate. You know, just in case you're behind on a few car payments :)


  1. F.A.I.L.....major fail....cash cab is so much more my style....they give multiple choice!!

    You are so full of useless and useful information....love it!!

  2. No they don't! Have multiple choice, that is. I watched it because I felt the need for some trivia and I'd be out on my tukas in two blocks. There are waaaaayyyy too much world geography and pop culture questions on Cash Cab.
