Monday, March 25, 2013

Duck Dynasty's Robertson Family Reveals

"Fear the Beard™" MEET THE DUCKMEN

Duck Dynasty... If you haven't seen the show, you're either what the cast calls a "yuppie" or you don't have cable television. I just don't know what your excuse would be not to watch beyond those two reasons. Although I find some of the situations and scenerios a bit set up for entertainment purposes, (I noticed there were leaves on the trees in the 2012 Christmas Special. Now I'm not totally apprised of the North Eastern Louisiana winters, but I would imagine that their trees are deciduous down there-that means their leaves fall off in the fall) it is just good, family fun. In a world where we are constantly questioning what's appropriate for our children's eyes and ears, there is no worry while watching Duck Dynasty.

This is how much our family loves these people:

Tyler was Si for Halloween

Our Elf on the Shelf, Cutie Pie,
dressed as Phil. The kids were ecstatic.

So, how much do you know about the Robertson family? To tell you the truth there isn't a whole lot out there. I found some of my info from the Meet the Family link on or from Duck Commander itself.

Here are a few things you may or may not know about the Robertson Clan:

Phil Robertson was a star college football player at Louisiana Tech, starting ahead of NFL Hall of Famer,Terry Bradshaw. Phil was actually drafted to the NFL after his Junior year, but declined offers because football season not only interfered with duck season, but didn't want to spend his years being chased and tackled by "large, violent men." Here is a picture of a younger and very hansome Phil:

Phil and Si's brother, James, has written a biography of Phil's life.

Phil and Miss Kay, whose actual name is Marsha Kay, were married in 1966 when Miss Kay was just 16 years old. Phil was 20.

THERE'S ANOTHER BROTHER! Yes, Jace, Willie, and Jep have an older brother named Alan. He works at Duck Commander part time, but is also a pastor at the White Ferry Road Church, where all the Robertsons attend regularly.

Can you guess which one is Alan in this picture?

Yup, the Under Armour-clad non beard sporting gentleman is Miss Kay and Phil Robertson's oldest son. Looking at this next picture, I would say he will be featured in episodes maybe next season? Alan is on the far left, sporting a starter beard maybe?

Willie, oh how you would have stolen my heart in your youngin' years:

You can see where Willie and Korie's kids get their good looks.

Willie and Korie have five kids as seen below. Sadie, Lil Will (adopted son recently seen on the show) Bella, foster daughter, Rebecca, whom they originally hosted as an exchange student and John Luke

What drives the Robertsons such a close-knit family? This is easily answered. Their Faith. Although the producers of the show edit many of these parts out, the stars of Duck Dyansty live with a strong Faith and often make mention of God in their everyday life. It's said to be a bit of a downfall to the Robertsons that so much of that is cut out from their commentary. In my opinion, even though you didn't ask, I would love if there was more mention of their faith shown.

SI HAS A WIFE! Yes, her name is Christine and it isn't easy at all to find a picture of her! I found a quote from Si regarding his life's love, Christine, and I wish I would have bookmarked it because it was incredibly sweet. But here's the big reveal:

Okay, it's not a big reveal, since the picture is tiny, but it's what I've got. It came from Jessica, Jep's wife (as seen on left), Twitter page. But if you were as curious as I was as to Si's wife's appearance, there you have it.

I have lots more Robertson Family knowledge to share, but you will have to read my blog later this week! Happy Monday, Jack!

Here are links to more Reveals!

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